General Curriculum Information
Transdisciplinary Curriculum
Our developing transdisciplinary curriculum is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy to use the 'environment as a third teacher' and dovetailing with STEAM/Digital Technologies, delivers learning that builds upon the interests of our students. At Kauri Flats our curriculum connects different areas of study by cutting across subject lines and emphasising unifying concepts. Our UC4L Curriculum focuses on making connections for students by allowing them to engage in relevant and meaningful learning experiences that can be connected to real life, because a real life context gives students a reason to learn.
Why a Transdisciplinary curriculum?
Our philosophy is about listening to, noticing and responding to students so we can best prepare them for their future. We do this in a way that encourages and develops ‘unrelenting curiosity for learning’. A transdisciplinary curriculum enables us to do just that.
'In turn, the design of each school’s curriculum should allow teachers the scope to make interpretations in response to the particular needs, interests, and talents of individuals and groups of students in their classes (NZC, pg37).’
At Kauri Flats School we believe that every student deserves the best opportunities to succeed both academically and socially. By listening to and responding to our students we ensure our learners needs are met. This approach to learning not only inspires and engages but also offers our students the best possible learning/life experiences through nurturing growth, encouraging development, supporting effort, recognising achievements, challenging viewpoints, guiding progress, growing ideas and instilling values. This philosophy also allows student voice to be heard and student led learning to be grown throughout the school through project/curriculum interest